Ground Support Equipment (GSE) Services

AIS partners with global industry leaders to supply our clients with innovative and durable Ground Support Equipment and spares. We provide Push Back and Conventional Tractors, Air Starter Units, Ground Power Units, Dollies and Cargo Containers and more, keeping your air transport business operating efficiently.
Push-Back Tractors
We supply Towbarless Tractors that are reliable, durable and of high quality. These towing tractors perform the heavy lifting of many GSE operations, towing various aircraft from B737, up to fully loaded B777-200.
Ground Power Units
Ground Power Units feature a brushless revolving field generator, rubber torsion axle-mounted chassis of rugged galvanized steel construction with fifth wheel steering and powder-coated sheet metal panels, this unit meets U.S. and EURO emission standards.
Forklifts / Trucks
Self-propelled, dual-platform loaders designed to transfer 610 cm (20 ft) ULD’s weighing up to 20,000 Kg (44,000 lbs). These heavy-duty loaders can be used to service a multitude of aircraft including: B707, B727, B737, B747, B757, B767, A300, A310, A320, A330, A340
Lavatory Vehicle
Aircraft Lavatory Servicing Vehicles are designed and engineered to the highest standards, providing airlines and the airport servicing industry an all stainless steel unit for application on all current new aircraft generation.
Belt Loaders
Belt Loaders are designed for reliability and low maintenance. They use the latest technology and feature very simple electric and hydraulic circuits.
Passenger Staircase
This self-propelled passengers stair provides access under the best possible conditions of safety and comfort for passengers of narrow, medium and wide body aircraft with a door sill height between 2,20 and 5,80 m.
Pallet Dollies, Pallets, Accessories
Equipped with a durable dolly, built with 9 each galvanised side rollers and 72 each casters to enable free loading/unloading at both sides and end.
Cargo Containers
Cargo containers designed optimally for wide body aircraft and allows large quantity of cargo to be bundled into a single unit. This enables ground support crews to efficiently save time and effort with fewer units to load.